About Us

We are a “ministry group” of Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church, focusing on reaching out in friendship to diverse neighbors in our community. Refugees and immigrants face hardship and challenges that many of us can relate to because of our own family immigration stories. In Deuteronomy 10:19 God reminds his people to help strangers because they too were once strangers. In addition, Jesus tells us that when we help strangers, he regards it as if we are directly helping him. “I was a stranger and you took me in.” (Matthew 25:34-40).

The Welcoming All Neighbors ministry focus is to provide friendship and concrete help to refugees and immigrants in our community. These families face the challenges of being forced to leave their homes at a time when there are more refugees in the world than ever before. We are enriched by the opportunity to help and appreciate people from a variety of cultural and faith backgrounds. We are sharing the blessings and joys of this ministry throughout our congregation. We are touched by the support of many in our church. Because of your kindness and generosity we see the love of Jesus in his followers!

We appreciate the leadership and guidance of the Minneapolis Lutheran Refugee and Immigration Services (LRIS) in helping us to serve refugees. Through LRIS, we provide donations of needed items for refugee families throughout the Twin Cities area.

Love Your Neighbor

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